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Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources  “I’m Chris Lewicki, and I’m an asteroid miner!” These were the opening words spoken by the President and Chief Engineer of Planetary Resources Inc., as the asteroid mining company emerged from three years of silent running to outline its plans to begin mining Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) within the decade.

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources

Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources
 Mining robot preparing to envelop and extract water from an asteroid
    Grand plans for asteroid mining unveiled by Planetary Resources
    A pair of Arkyd-300 series rendezvous probes approaching a candidate asteroid
    The north polar region of near-Earth asteroid 433 Eros as imaged by the NEAR Shoemaker pro...
    View all

Asteroid mining has been a standard of science fiction since E.E. Smith’s Lensman series was published in the 1930s. Planetary Resources (PRI - previously known as Arkyd Astronautics), a start-up company with high-profile backers and strong technical depth, announced its space mining plans at a press conference on Tuesday. Its goal, as expressed by co-founder and co-chairman Peter Diamandis, is to "make the resources of space available to humanity."

The following video outlines why and how PRI intends to mine the asteroids.

The whys of asteroid mining

“Many of the scarce metals and minerals on Earth are in near-infinite quantities in space. As access to these materials increases, not only will the cost of everything from microelectronics to energy storage be reduced, but new applications for these abundant elements will result in important and novel applications,” said Peter H. Diamandis, M.D., Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of PRI.
The north polar region of near-Earth asteroid 433 Eros as imaged by the NEAR Shoemaker pro...

The north polar region of near-Earth asteroid 433 Eros as imaged by the NEAR Shoemaker probe (Image: NASA)

The prize in asteroid mining? Huge amounts of raw materials, ranging from water to precious metals, and transition from an economy of scarcity to an economy of abundance. Most asteroids are rich in precious metals, such as platinum, gold, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium, and ruthenium - far richer than terrestrial ores. Indeed, the precious metals for which we mine on Earth were the result of ancient asteroid impacts - we have, in effect, been mining asteroids for thousands of years.

Whereas a terrestrial platinum ore may have a concentration of 0.5 parts per million (ppm), the concentration in an asteroid can be as large as 100 ppm, with a total precious metals concentration of 350 ppm. Such an asteroid also contains about 6 ppm of rare earth compounds, for which industry and consumers both are feeling the effects of scarcity. To have rich ore greatly simplifies the extraction process.

To illustrate the potential of mining asteroids for precious metals, the Lavender Pit is a relatively small open pit copper mine near Bisbee, AZ, USA. In 25 years it grew to a volume of 0.33 cubic kilometers, in the process removing 340 million tons of ore, yielding 600,000 tons of copper worth about US$5 billion at today’s prices.

An asteroid about 850 meters in diameter has the same volume, but contains eight hundred thousand tons of precious metals worth about US$50 trillion. It would supply precious metals at the current worldwide rate of production for 40 years . There are about a million asteroids of this size in the Solar System, and perhaps 10-20% of them will yield precious metals in this amount. Asteroids thus provide rich ore for precious metals having a total present value of about 5 quintillion US dollars. The tailings, of course, form a cheap space-based source of building material.

Now, what about water? Water is cheap, after all – a liter of bottled water costs about half a US dollar. However, in space it is a valuable commodity, as it costs about US$20,000 per liter to boost water into low earth orbit (LEO). This presents both manned and robotic spaceflight with a problem.

Astronauts are people, too, and they need water – at least four to five liters a day even in a prolonged emergency situation. Currently, it costs about a million US dollars per day to keep an astronaut in orbit. The International Space Station budget for consumables allows for about 30 kg/day/astronaut – costing six hundred thousand US dollars to lift into orbit daily supplies for one astronaut. When all factors are taken into account (there are additional regular losses), most of the cost of manned spaceflight is the cost of taking along consumables.

An inexpensive space-based source of water would greatly enhance our ability to tackle manned and unmanned space missions. Of course, when you have water and sunlight, you can make oxygen and hydrogen gas. Not only do we breathe oxygen, but oxygen and hydrogen is the chemical rocket propellant having the highest known performance. Fuel costs that same US$20,000 per kilogram to lift into LEO, so a cheap source of water in space is also a cheap source of fuel – enough fuel to explore the Solar System.

Asteroids similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites contain as much as 20% water, which can be released with very mild heating. A carbonaceous chondrite asteroid only 10 meters (32.8 ft) in diameter can contain 120 tons of water, with a present value in LEO of 2.4 billion US dollars. Converted into fuel, this amount of water would fill six Centaur interplanetary boosters like that used to propel the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan. Not bad for what could be the first mined asteroid!
The hows of asteroid mining

Planetary Resources intends to make asteroid mining a reality be developing cost-effective, mass produced robotic exploration and extraction technologies. This will position the company to efficiently target resource-rich asteroids and extract their useful raw materials.

Of the approximately 9,000 known NEAs, there are more than 1,500 that are energetically as easy to reach as the Moon – 4,000 if the energy required to return refined materials to the Earth is included in the comparison. This is a rich target environment, in which the capability to characterize NEAs using robotic probes is crucial for PRI’s current vision. To that end, PRI has developed the first in its planned line of deep-space prospecting spacecraft.
An Arkyd-101 space telescope in low Earth orbit

An Arkyd-101 space telescope in low Earth orbit

The Arkyd-100 series of orbital spacecraft comprises LEO satellites containing small-scale space telescopes. The first of these is the Arkyd-101, a tiny spacecraft only measuring about 16”x16”x40” (40x40x100 cm) in size, containing a remote imaging telescope with a 9” (22 cm) aperture and sub-arcsecond resolution capability. These will be placed in low-Earth orbit by hitching a ride with other satellites being placed in orbit.

The purpose of the Arkyd-100 series is to discover and prioritize NEA mining candidates for more detailed inspection, but they will also provide commercial Earth imaging and educational space telescope services. The number of Arkyd-100 series to be placed in orbit initially has not been announced, but the first launch is scheduled for late 2013.

The Arkyd-200 series (Interceptors) are essentially Arkyd-100 series spacecraft to which are added the propulsive means needed to go out and closely study asteroids on near-earth orbits. They will be used for closer examination of promising NEAs, and will have conventional and multispectral imaging capability, perhaps with electronic sensors such as radar and/or magnetic field measuring capability.
A swarm of Arkyd-300 series rendezvous probes examining a candidate asteroid

A swarm of Arkyd-300 series rendezvous probes examining a candidate asteroid

Later in the decade, the Arkyd-300 series will help finalize the selection process. Arkyd-300 rendezvous prospectors will be sent in swarms to rendezvous with and examine particular asteroids. The swarm will include assorted members of the Arkyd-300 series which provide complementary information about a target asteroid. Multiple asteroids can be examined by a single swarm, and the spacecraft can be recovered and reused.

Actual mining operations will start with extraction of water from suitable asteroids. If you have water, you have the resources to enable large-scale exploration of the Solar System.

Recovery and processing of materials in a microgravity environment will require significant research and development activity. PRI is committed to take on the creation of in-situ extraction and processing technologies to provide access to both asteroidal water and metals. When combined with PRI’s mass produced deep space explorers, the result will be a new resource for humanity – the capability to undertake the sustainable development of space.

The broader vision, however, will be served even if asteroid mining itself is a failure. “The promise of Planetary Resources is to apply commercial innovation to space exploration," said Tom Jones, Ph.D., veteran NASA astronaut, planetary scientist and PRI advisor. "They are developing cost-effective, production-line spacecraft that will visit near-Earth asteroids in rapid succession, increasing our scientific knowledge of these bodies and enabling the economic development of the resources they contain.” The new technologies being developed by PRI will set the stage for Solar System discovery and economic development over the next century.
PRI was founded in 2009, and is financed by visionaries who have launched whole industries which did not previously exist. These include:

    Erik Anderson – Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of PRI, Mr. Anderson is an entrepreneur and aerospace engineer who is associated with Intentional Software Corporation, Space Adventures, and Planetary Power.
    Peter Diamandis, M.D. – Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of PRI, Dr, Diamandis is an international pioneer in the development of the commercial space sector. He is Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation, and the Executive Chairman of Singularity University.
    Rena Shulsky David – President and CEO of Shire Realty in New York City, Ms. David founded and chaired the “Swords into Plowshares” meeting between US and Soviet military officers as the Soviet Bloc was collapsing.
    Larry Page – Computer scientist and internet entrepreneur, Mr. Page is Co-Founder and CEO of Google, and an investor in other forward-looking technology companies.
    Ross Perot, Jr. – Real estate developer and Chairman of Perot Systems, Mr. Perot piloted the first round-the-world helicopter flight.
    Raymie Stata – entrepreneur and former CTO of Yahoo!
    Eric Schmidt, Ph.D. – Software engineer, businessman, and Executive Chairman of Google is also a well-known art collector and was considered by President Obama for the position of Commerce Secretary.
    K. Ram Shriram - Google investor and Board of Directors founding member.
    Charles Simonyi, Ph.D. - Intentional Software Co-founder and two-time space tourist (time in space, 26 days 14 hours), at Microsoft he was responsible for developing Word and Excel.
    John C. Whitehead – Former Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, former Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and 9th Deputy Secretary of State for President Reagan.

Some of the company’s advisors include film maker and explorer James Cameron; General T. Michael Moseley (Ret.); Sara Seager, Ph.D.; Mark Sykes, Ph.D.; and David Vaskevitch.

Source: Planetary Resources, Inc.

VP-400 emergency system gets pilots to a safe landing

VP-400 emergency system gets pilots to a safe landing   Imagine that you are flying along in your own aircraft when, suddenly, the engine stops and you are not able to revive it. Now what?

VP-400 emergency system gets pilots to a safe landing

VP-400 emergency system gets pilots to a safe landing

VP-400 emergency system gets pilots to a safe landing

VP-400 emergency system gets pilots to a safe landing
 If you have plenty of altitude, you can hit the button on that expensive aviation-dedicated GPS that will produce a list of the closest airports (not necessarily the closest airfield and certainly not the most suitable landing site) and based on your height and the distance to the airport, you alone get to decide if you can make it. If you are down low or your aircraft has the glide performance of a brick, the decision would be limited to picking a cleared field or road somewhere underneath you, right now .... not a satisfactory system at a time of high stress. And consider the scenario if you were the passenger and your pilot was incapacitated by a heart attack ... or the failure is at night time!
Engine Failure? Just press this button

In what seems such a logical extension of the technologies now available, Laminar Research's Austin Meyer and avionics outfit Vertical Power have come up with a solution that may simply involve punching one button. The Vertical Power VP-400 takes over via auto-pilot (AP) and uses its own built-in GPS, airspeed and attitude sensors as well as its own terrain and obstacle database to find the best emergency runway option.

The VP-400 knows how high you are, how far it is to the nearest airport, the height of any hills or mountains as well as wind speed and direction. The system makes decisions as to which way to turn, how fast or slow the glide speed should be, and the angle of descent to not only reach the airport, but to miss any obstacles.

If you don’t have an AP, you can still hand fly it in terms of airspeed, pitch and bank based on the information provided - information that's collated and refined on a single screen, not shown in about 3 or 4 different locations around the instrument panel.
VP-400 display showing glide descent

The VP-400 system is constantly imagining the worst as you fly, re-building about 30 possible engine-out glide approaches per second, each one going from the nose of your airplane to a nearby runway, and memorizing the approach that is most likely to result in a successful landing, and showing you that approach as a series of hoops. And, if you hit the red button, the autopilot servos will engage and the plane will fly those hoops for you - down to an approach gate with a very high predicted success rate.
How the VP-400 works once the Runway Seeker is engaged

While all of this might seem somewhat "Star Wars" for those not into current aviation technologies, the components that provide data to that this system are all readily available in the sport aviation/experimental home-built market. The VP-400 ties all of these together and Vertical Power has progressed the software and hardware to the point where real-world testing has begun. The plan is to have it available to the public later this year and while there's no pricing details as yet, it's hoped that the VP-400 will be reasonably affordable. Bring it on!

Vertical Power runs through the VP-400 system in the video below.

Source: Vertical Power

VP-400 emergency system gets pilots to a safe landing

SpaceX test-fires launch vehicle's engines for upcoming mission

SpaceX test-fires launch vehicle's engines for upcoming mission 
Private space exploration company SpaceX is currently looking towards May 7th as the rescheduled date for its Dragon space capsule to lift off from Earth, on an unmanned Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) demo mission to deliver supplies to the International Space Station. Today, the company performed a static fire test of its Falcon 9 launch vehicle’s nine Merlin engines. The test took place at SpaceX’s Space Launch Complex 40 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and was part of a full dress rehearsal for the actual launch.

SpaceX test-fires launch vehicle's engines for upcoming mission

SpaceX test-fires launch vehicle's engines for upcoming mission
Problems of some type occurred less than a minute before the scheduled test-firing, which was scheduled for 3:00pm ET. The test was rescheduled to 4:15pm, at which time it went off successfully, with the engines firing for the planned two seconds.

In December 2010, the Dragon spacecraft was launched into Earth orbit, officially becoming history’s first private reusable spacecraft. Its upcoming second mission, this time going all the way to the space station and back, has been repeatedly delayed since last December.

Source: SpaceX

Flexrotor vertical take-off and landing UAV enters second phase of development

Flexrotor vertical take-off and landing UAV enters second phase of development  In an attempt to combine the vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities of a helicopter, with the speed, range and altitude capabilities of a fixed wing aircraft, tiltrotor aircraft, such as the AgustaWestland AW609 and the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey rely on powered rotors mounted on rotating shafts or nacelles at the end of a fixed wing. But the tiltrotor design isn’t the only option for aircraft looking to get the best of both worlds. Like Aerovironment’s SkyTote, the Flexrotor is designed to transition from vertical to horizontal flight without any pivoting of its rotor.

Flexrotor vertical take-off and landing UAV enters second phase of development

Flexrotor vertical take-off and landing UAV enters second phase of development

Flexrotor vertical take-off and landing UAV enters second phase of development

Flexrotor vertical take-off and landing UAV enters second phase of development
Having been awarded a contract earlier this week by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Aerovel Corporation will enter the next development phase for the Flexrotor, which is intended to deliver improved maritime surveillance capabilities. With the requirement that it launch from a ship, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has a wingspan of 3 m (9.84 ft) and an oversized rotor with a diameter of 1.85 m (6.07 ft).

The size of the propeller is designed to strike a balance between providing enough lift to enable the aircraft to take off vertically, while also being small enough to be efficient during horizontal flight.
Aerovel president Tad McGeer with the Flexrotor

Currently powered by a single-cylinder 28 cc two-stroke engine through a reduction gearbox, the Flexrotor takes off vertically like a helicopter from a portable fold-out rig that supports the wings. Once airborne, the tail is deployed and, once it reaches a high enough altitude, it transitions into horizontal flight by pitching over into a dive before leveling out. To transition back to vertical flight, the aircraft flies at about 70 knots (80 mph/130 km/h) before pulling up and entering a hover that allows it to descend vertically and land.

The aircraft completed its first successful transition from vertical to horizontal flight and back again in August 2011, which can be seen in the video below. This and subsequent test flights have been conducted in light winds, but Aerovel plans to gradually increase the aircraft’s operating envelope and expose it to windier conditions. The development of an upgraded propulsion system to allow the aircraft to cope with crosswinds and high winds will be the focus of the next development phase.

Aerovel is also creating an Automatic Servicing Platform from which the Flexrotor could launch, land, park and refuel with no human assistance. In addition to placement on a ship, the platform could also be used to remotely site the aircraft for launch.

“[The special ops personnel] like the idea of not exposing where they are when they need to launch and recover one,” said John Kinzer, ONR program officer for Air Vehicle Technology. “They could put it on a mountaintop somewhere and just leave it to do surveillance.”

At its maximum vertical take off weight of 19.2 kg (42.3 lb), the Flexrotor can climb at a rate of 1 m/s (197 ft/min). After making the transition to horizontal flight, the aircraft boasts a maximum level speed of 78 knots (90 mph/145 km/h) and can stay in the air for more than 40 hours to reach a maximum range of more than 3,000 km (1,865 miles).

Here's the video of the Flexrotor making its first successful transition from vertical to horizontal flight.

Volta Volaré's futuristic GT4 e-hybrid airplane available for order

Volta Volaré's futuristic GT4 e-hybrid airplane available for order   Volta Volaré has begun taking orders for its four-seater GT4 hybrid private aircraft it calls "the most technologically advanced private aircraft available anywhere on Earth." Though the GT4 is perfectly capable of taking off and flying powered only electrically, a gas engine starts when the airplane's battery drops to 25 percent capacity in order to recharge it mid-flight. Surprisingly, perhaps, Volta Volaré makes a strong economic case for the GT4. Because the powertrain has only one moving part - the motor or "EViation Drive" - the company claims the need for maintenance is reduced significantly, offering increases in TBO (time between overhaul) by up to a factor of ten when compared to a combustion engine.

Volta Volaré's futuristic GT4 e-hybrid airplane available for order

Volta Volaré's futuristic GT4 e-hybrid airplane available for order

Volta Volaré's futuristic GT4 e-hybrid airplane available for order

Volta Volaré's futuristic GT4 e-hybrid airplane available for order
It also claims that the EViation Drive "delivers more torque and horsepower than any 20th century internal combustion engine," but since the 21st century is now at least 11 years old, that seems a somewhat arbitrary comparison.

Volta Volaré's spec sheet makes somewhat confusing reading (an energy storage system sized in kilowatts doesn't make much sense to me, for instance), but seems to suggest the EViation Drive delivers 220 kW (300 hp), while the "range extension generator" dishes out about 130 kW (180 hp) - though presumably the only use this can be put to is recharging the plane's batteries.

The performance-based specifications are rather clearer:
Take Off Distance: 1400 ft (430 m)
Rate of Climb: 1800 ft/min (550 m/min)
Landing Distance: 1500 ft (460 m)
Cruise: 160 knots (296 km/h) @ 12,500 ft
Ceiling: 24,000 ft
Maximum speed (sea level): 310 knots (574 km/h) - which makes it significantly faster than the Cessna Corvalis TTX
Minimum Speed: 65 knots (120 km/h)
Landing Speed: 75 knots (139 km/h)

Powertrain-wise, I'm more inclined to look at Popsci's spec reporting following its interview with Volta Volaré CEO Paul Peterson. "The GT4’s electric motor, which is made from the combined cores of two smaller motors, sits in a sealed aluminum housing," it reports. "It can generate 600 peak horsepower [450 kW] and sustain 400 horsepower [300 kW] throughout flight."

Popsci additionally reports that the energy storage system consists of a 900-pound (408 kg) lithium-polymer battery comprising 236 cells, which is a significant chunk of the GT4's overall empty weight of 2,600 pounds (1,179 kg). The battery's recharged by a 1.5-liter gasoline engine fueled from a 23-gallon (105-liter) tank. Combined these give the GT4 a reported range of 1,000 nautical miles (1,852 km).

Absolutely certain, however, is that the GT4 is striking in outward appearance, though whether it appeals to all tastes remains to be seen. I like it. The swept wings and its various angular fins and upturned points give it a look that is of the future, while the shape of the fuselage and windows are almost classical. The metallic finish (actually hand-crafted carbon fiber) somehow manages to be both forward and backward-looking at the same time, which is a neat trick. The future-neoclassical look is completed by that unusual rear-facing push configuration propeller (as seen on the Firebird intel airplane we looked at this time last year).

The interior sounds almost as advanced as the powertain. Volta Volaré says the cockpit features touchscreen glass with a synthetic vision system and optional HUD. Meanwhile passengers bored with the novelty of flying aboard a hybrid airplane can distract themselves with the pull-down screens, fold-away table-tops and various apertures available to them, including AV jacks, plug sockets, USB ports. It's less obvious at this point what sort of interactive/entertainment system these things connect up to.

A Volta Volaré GT4 will set you back a mere US$495,000. Eleven remain for purchase this year, while 36 more are slated for 2013.

Sources: Volta Volaré, Popsci

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast   He's launched over the Grand Canyon. He's flown alongside traditional aircraft. He's even attempted to leap across continents. Now "Jetman" and all-around airborne lunatic Yves Rossy is giving us a tour of the beautiful Rio de Janeiro shoreline by way of his carbon fiber jet wing.

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

Smile for your close-up (Copyright: John Parker/Breitling SA, photo via AP Image Jetman relies upon his trusty carbon fiber wing, which is equipped with four 48 lb (22 kg)..  Jetman sets off over Rio (Copyright: Bruno Brokken/Breitling SA, photo via AP Images Jetman heads for a beach landing in Rio (Copyright: Bruno Brokken/Breitling SA, photo via .. View allOn his latest voyage, Rossy lifts off in a helicopter while the iconic Christ the Redeemer watches over him in the background. Once high enough, he backflips out of the chopper high above Rio's Rodrigo de Freitas Lake and takes us on a voyage over some of the Brazilian city's most iconic attractions. He gets closer to Christ the Redeemer by circling around Mount Corcovado; he soars over Sugar Loaf Mountain; and he parachutes his way down to the beach.Jetman touches down in Rio (Copyright: Dado Galdieri/Breitling SA, photo via AP Images)Jetman relies upon his trusty carbon fiber wing, which is equipped with four 48 lb (22 kg) thrust jet engines, giving him up to 300 km/h (186 mph) of speed at the push of his handheld throttle controller. The wing gives Rossy a freedom that few other aircraft in the world can - the ability to use body movements to control his flight path.The 11 1/2 minutes of footage below seamlessly shifts between point-of-view close-ups and at-a-distance shots that make Rossy appear little bigger than a buzzing gnat. While actually flying on a jet-powered lunch tray may require loosening a few mental screws and strengthening heart, will and nerves, enjoying the ensuing footage is as simple as hitting 'play'.Sources: Breitling, Jetman via Discovery

Jetman buzzes the lush Rio de Janeiro coast

New 3D sensor should help UAVs avoid fender-benders

New 3D sensor should help UAVs avoid fender-benders   Hovering unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – most of which take the form of quadrocopters – are currently being developed for a wide range of applications. Some of these include the delivery of supplies to remote locations, urban reconnaissance, and military operations. Whether they’re flying solo or in organized swarms, however, they constantly need to be aware of potential collision hazards, both mobile and stationary. While various technologies are already being utilized for this purpose, Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems has developed a new 3D CMOS sensor, that promises particularly good performance.

New 3D sensor should help UAVs avoid fender-benders

New 3D sensor should help UAVs avoid fender-benders
The sensor is based around the time-of-flight process, in which the relative distances of objects are determined by shooting short bursts of light at them, and measuring how long it takes that light to reflect back to an onboard receptor. In order for the reflected light pulses not to be masked by bright ambient light, the receptor’s shutter only stays open for a few nanoseconds. The sensor processes the data at a rate of 12 images per second.

Every pixel of these images is assigned a gray value, along with a distance value. That level of differentiation allows the system to identify objects as small as 20 x 15 centimeters (8 x 6 inches), from distances of up to 7.5 meters (24.6 feet).

Based on this constant stream of data, the UAV can determine its location in space, relative to the objects surrounding it.

While the process may sound somewhat similar to radar or sonar, its higher resolution apparently makes it much better suited to the close-proximity flying that quadrocopters are frequently required to do.

The 3D sensors have been built into cameras made by a Fraunhofer spin-off company, TriDiCam.

Source: Fraunhofer

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